The Hidden Lane

The Hidden Lane

The Hidden Lane, in Glasgow, is somewhere I've driven past many times. I've peered into the lane as I went past, but never stopped. Until today.

To be honest, I was a bit confused about what it actually was. I knew that there were some small businesses there, with workshops and possibly shops. I'd also heard that there was a tearoom. But I wasn't really sure if / when it was all open to the public. So when I heard that Hell Yeah were opening their shop, I decided to pop along and actually find out what it was all about!

My first impression was 'wow!'. I hadn't realised just how many buildings there were or how much the lane actually opened out once you walked through the tunnel. And the colours of the buildings! Another even bigger 'WOW!'

It was then time to venture inside. We found Hell Yeah in a warren-like building with winding corridors, lots of doors and steps up and down. The shop looked fab.

In another building we found Studio One, which is a shared workspace and shop, and it was full of a fantastic selection of things to buy.

We also had time to look at Bonnie Bling's jewellery, and popped into Bubblegum Kitschville.

This is only a small number of the businesses that are in the lane - the website states that there are over 100 studios hidden behind the numerous doors - from uphosterers to hair salons, and guitar makers to publishers!

I'm so glad that I actually made it here at long last. I'm still not sure when everything is open, but as there are so many businesses, there's sure to be lots open to customers at any time of the week. If you're after a specific business, you'd definitely be best to check out their own opening hours.

I'm sure that you could find something or someone new every time you visit the lane. It's a real life treasure trove! I'll definitely be back.


Edit: Many of the business mentioned above have moved since this post was written so there will be lots more for you to discover!

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